Our business servers are running with FSGI module and have PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 versions available.
To change PHP version for your account or separate addon domain, you should do the following:
- log into your cPanel;
- find “PHP Tweaks” option, which is located in ‘Exclusive for Webskrill Customers’ section;
- choose domain, herein after we will use example.com;
- in “PHP Version” section you can check the version which is currently used for your account and set the required one.
- “PHP Loaders” and “PHP Caches” sections allow you to choose the PHP loader for your scripts and PHP accelerator for caching the compiled bytecode of your PHP scripts.
- “PHP Others” section allows you to set ‘UploadProgress’ ‘TimeZoneDB’ ‘Imagick’ features.