Price List

Frequently Asked Questions

Please verify that your domain has the name server record inserted. Update the Name Server record if necessary..

The following paperwork is required for ownership change:
- A pact reached between two sides.
- Both parties' verification documents.
Steps for Transferring Ownership-
- If there isn't a second party domain profile, both parties must have access to the domain profile they created.
- The first party will submit the request for the ownership change to the second party together with any necessary documentation.
- BTCL Admin will create an invoice and verify ownership requests.
- The second party shall pay the invoiced amount.

You need to open a profile with the proper organization in order to register a.bangla /.bd domain. a record or a reminder. The domain must next be submitted online for registration. The following website can be used to register or. domain:
The following papers are required: - Passport, National Identity Card, Certificate of Educational Institution, and Trade License
- A signature or forwarding that has been authorized and includes the intended domain